
Sunday, January 29, 2006

WebMail is Up and Running

For those of our customers who have email service on their web site domain names, WebMail is back up and running. Please check your email and let us know if you have any trouble accessing it.

New Server - Offline for Review

Will the weekend from hell never end?

I just received notification that the EV1 Data Center has idenitifed suspicious traffic on the new server too, and has taken the server offline while they look into it. Please check back here shortly for an update.

Server Issues Resolved, All Sites Online

Hi all,

Great news! The replacement server is in place, and all web sites have been moved over and brought back online. A special thanks to Ben, my system admin, for his efforts to bring everything back up so quickly.

Please check your web site by clearing your cache and visiting your domain. If you have mail service with your domain, we are in the process of restoring webmail access this afternoon, and will post an update regarding that project here shortly.

Please let me know if you have any questions, and thank you for your patience through this particularly challenging weekend.



Server Update

The server replacement is in place and we are in the process of installing the base software before transfering all web sites to the new server. Please check back here later this afternoon for an update.

Server Update, Sunday Morning

Since the Data Center has been unable to identify the source of the problem, we have ordered a priority server replacement at EV1 which should be ready in within the next 2-3 hours. We will be transferring all of the web sites to the server replacement today as soon as it is ready.

Security breaches on the Internet do happen occasionally, and we are responding as best we can. Because we only work with Class A Data Centers, we have the advantage of 24/7 data center support when it comes to identifying and responding to server attacks. The replacement server brought online today should resolve all of the current system stability issues, and the new managed server will give us additional protection by offering 24/7 monitoring, automatic security updates, and offsite backup services. When the new managed server is ready, all existing customers will be offered the option of moving to the new server at no charge. Next month, we will also be offering enhanced support and backup services on the managed services server for a small monthly or annual fee.

If you have any questions or wish to contact me about this matter, please email


Roberta Dulay
Grassfrog Technologies

Server Update

The server reboot was successful, however, we are still experiencing issues with this server. At 10:15 pm MST Saturday we received notification of unusual activity on the server. As of nearly 2 am MST Sunday, the Data Center still has it offline for investigation, although they state that they cannot identify the source of the activity.

To address the unusually high level of service outages on this server over the past few days, we are considering upgrading the existing server, pending the results of the Data Center's findings. We have also purchased outright, an additional server which we will configuring over the next week or so. This second server will be used for load balancing, and also to improve SEO relevance between sites linking with one another on our servers, since it's on a totally different IP and network.

The site owners that choose to have their sites migrated to the new server will be provided with new DNS settings, which will need to be updated before the migration can be done. Note that the server migration can be done at no charge, under the previously stated 10 minute tech support offer, and that we will be offering enhanced services on the new server including 24/7 monitoring, higher security, weekly backups and more. Contact us directly if you're interested in more information on this new service.

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Server is being rebooted. Please stay tuned for an update.

Update on Server Maintenance

We are going through all web sites today and locking down CGI, SSI and Perl Scripting access. Since iware does not utilize any of these functions, there should be no difference to the end user as a result of these changes.

Technical Support Offer

We recognize that we've had an unusual amount of service interruption in the past few days. While our host ISP's Data Center activities are largely beyond our control, we would like to extend the following offer to our existing customers to compensate for any inconvenience these server outages have caused.

For the next 2 weeks, we are offering all existing customers a free 10 minute tech support session, which can be used for training, support or search engine optimization. A good use of this offer would be to assist customer with metatags & titles on their web pages, or to run a second SEO submission session for customers who have already received their free one through NACHI. To take advantage of this special offer, please email us at, or contact Roberta directly at the NACHI offices in Colorado (or at the convention, if you happen to be attending).


Roberta Dulay
Grassfrog Technologies

Server Online

Server is back online while we continue to run further diagnostics. All web sites are back up in the interim. We will post any planned reboots or downtimes here today if required to further secure the server.

Thank you for your patience.

Server Offline for Investigation

Data Center changed shifts and took the server back offline for investigation (again). We should be back up within 1-2 hours, and are looking at some alternative providers as well as escalating this to EV1's management to see what we can do to avoid issues with this apparently trigger-happy Data Center in the future. Please check back here for an update later this morning.

Server Online

The Data Center has completed its investigation and was unable to find anything wrong with the server. Server is back online.

Server Offline for Investigation

The server has been taken offline to investigate a reported AUP Violation. Suspicion of an AUP violution most commonly occurs when a server is transmitting unusual traffic, often as a result of a security breech by a malicious program sending email or other data. Please check back here for an update soon.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Server Back Up

The issue has been resolved and the server is back online.



Update on server outage

We experienced a denial-of-service (DOS) attack early this morning. We are currently working with our data center to investigate the cause of the attack and bring the server back online. Please check back here for an update within 1 hour.


Welcome to the tech support blog for Grassfrog Technologies, LLC. Here you will find announcements and service related updates for our hosting customers. We do not personally notify customers of outages unless they are in excess of 12 hours, therefore this blog is the best place to go to check on the status of the server if you are having an issue.

In the event that our server is down, please contact us via the following email address:


Roberta Dulay
Grassfrog Technologies, LLC