
Friday, October 19, 2018

Good news

The network issue has been investigated and cleared by the NOC and the network restrictions which were causing websites not to display have been lifted. What this means is that all client websites are back online as of 10PM CST.

We will continue to work on setting up the new server and migrating websites over to it, a process which is likely to take several days (target completion by 10/25).

When your website is ready on the new server, we will either contact you to change your DNS or ask for access to your registrar so we can make that change (if we have not done so already).

If you have an old iWare website, your site will be converted to a static website until we can get it rebuilt in one of our current CMS options. Please contact us for details if we have not already gotten that underway.

New server online

Just finished setting up a new server which we will be bringing online to replace the one that has been having issues. Am testing out the CMS deployment this evening and will start migrating websites into place tomorrow and over the weekend.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Server issue

The server has been taken off the network while we are investigating another issue. We are working to stabilize it and bring it back online. We will be making a decision within the next 24 hours whether or not to retire the server and replace it with upgraded hardware. Please stay tuned for updates.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


The server is back online, the back ups have been created successfully and will be propagated to a new server this weekend. Stay tuned for further updates regarding our services.

Server Maintenance

The main home inspection website server will be off-line for approximately one  hour while we are backing up the web directory. Stay tuned for updates.

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Server back online

As of Tuesday night around 11 PM CST, our main server is back online and all websites are up and running as usual.

We will be going through the server over the next 2-3 days and creating a full mirrored backup of all of our websites which are CMS2 or newer, at no charge to our customers.

If you have an old, iWare-based website, your website will be replaced with a single holder page until you have contacted us to upgrade your website to either a CMS2 or new All-in-One mobile-friendly website.  To do so, please email

Thank you for your patience.

Sunday, October 07, 2018

Update on server outage

As we are working to rebuild our server in a new location, we have requested our clients provide us with registrar logins so that we can change DNS and bring their websites back online one by one. Some of our client websites will be rebuilt by hand, others restored from backups (if you hired us to back up your website, that is).  If rebuilt by hand, your site will be rolled with your core contact information and articles, but you may need to log in to fine-tune your content, including your About / Qualifications page as well as credential / seals.

A preliminary analysis of the breech has determined that the old iWare database – based websites were possibly the exploit used to access the server during the DDOS attack,  therefore none of those websites will be migrated to the new server.  If  we have previously upgraded your website to a flat file based CMS in the past 4-5 years, you have nothing to worry about — your site will come up as soon as we place it and update the DNS. If you still have one of the old iWare websites, please contact Grassfrog to discuss your website options.

Barring any unforeseen issues, the new websites are scheduled to start relaunching this coming week.
Thank you for your patience.