
Monday, March 31, 2014

Services Restored

All services have been restored as of 9:10 PM PDT this evening. Thank you for your patience, and a special thank you to the guys in the data center in Raleigh for their long hours this weekend, and for getting Grassfrog's production server back up and running tonight.

Home Stretch

I just got an update from BurstNet as follows:
"We continue to rack and power up the tower servers (Truck 2 from this weekend). Half of the shipment has been racked and powered on. Barring an unforeseen issue, we anticipate completing the remaining 2 rows over the next 2-3 hours.

So most likely we are looking at between 4 and 6pm for services to be restored (PDT).  I will continue to monitor the servers and post an update as soon as they are live.

For automatic updates regarding support issues, please follow @grassfrog on Twitter.

Server Update (BurstNet Migration)

This just in from Art Faccone, VP of Customer Care at BurstNet:

"Update on final server migrations:
Truck 2 (towers): We are wrapping up running network to the towers and will be ready for power shortly."

I am hoping this means that Grassfrog's production server will be back online this morning, but I have written back to Art for clarification, given the string of issues and excuses we have already experienced in this data migration.

Thank you for your patience. I will continue to monitor the situation and update my customers here and on Twitter @grassfrog (!grassfrog).

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Update on BurstNet's Data Center Migration

Have just received an update from BurstNet. Apparently they are still having issues to resolve at the new data center, and are unable at this juncture to give me a solid ETA for restoring services on this particular server.

I will post another update tonight with more information as it becomes available.

12:45 pm PDT: I just heard back from BurstNet's VP of Customer Care, who I've been in contact with since receiving notification yesterday that our production server was being moved from PA to NC.  The server has arrived safely at its destination and the data center staff is working diligently to resolve some network and connectivity issues at the data center before they can restore services. The current estimate for restoration of the server is 6:30PM EDT (less than 3 hours out). I will continue to  personally monitor the situation and will update this blog, and Twitter (@grassfrog) as soon as I have more information.

Thank you for your patience.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Update, from BurstNet Support:

"This is an update regarding your server Your servers have been securely packaged and were on the road at 8:45 a.m. Eastern Time. 
They are currently en route to our Charlotte, NC datacenter with an estimated arrival time between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time."

We just received notification that our BurstNet server is being moved to their data center in North Carolina this weekend. The estimated downtime for this move is 24 hours. Please check back on this page for updates.

As mentioned previously on this blog, we are offering our customers the option to move their websites from the existing service to a VPS machine in a secure class A data center in FL. The new VPS service features improved uptime, connectivity speed, automated backup and 24/7 monitoring of your website by a dedicated systems administrator. Please contact for pricing and information.